
Stir Fried Cabbage with Dried Shrimps and Tang Hoon


A couple of days ago, I causally mentioned about my expanding waistline, my diplomatic girlfriends were silent- a sign of consent, not good, not good at all!
In my defence, I did make an effort to keep to my routine walks.

Sighing, this is a case where the "input" is greater than the "output”.
So immediately, I switched to "diet’ mode which means simple and light meals.

Yet, I bid defiance to bland food most simple and light meals has to offer.
I ransack my fridge and found a sugar loaf cabbage long forgotten but still looking fresh.

I buy cabbage for its versatility, used raw for coleslaw, pickled or stir-fir, braised.
If properly stored, it can last from 3 weeks to up to 2 months in the refrigerator.
Housewives buy these hardy vegetables before CNY where fresh green vegetables are limited during the festive season.

I added a handful of Chinese dried shrimps, fried with garlic and then simmer briefly with the cabbage to allows the flavours to release.
The Tang Hoon (mung bean noodles) absorbs all the natural sweetness of the cabbage and the fragrance from the aromatics dried shrimps, making it full flavour.

Simple, homey dish yet one mouthful of this favourite classic dish will transport you back to the wonderful memories of yesteryears.

And oh yes, this dish is no sweat even for the culinarily challenged!

You will need:

1 head of cabbage
100gm of dried shrimps (soaked for 10minutes, drained and set aside. Reserve the water)
1 small packet of Tang Hoon
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon of salt
dash of white pepper
2 tablespoon of oil

1. Add the dried shrimps to the heated oil and saute for about a minute or until the dried shrimps has browned. Add the garlic and continue to fry.

2. When the garlic turns brown, add in your cabbage to the wok and stir fry for a minute, add salt and the reserved water from the soaking the shrimps. Cover for about 2 minutes.

3. Mix in the Tang Hoon, give it a quick stir, add the dash of white pepper, remove from heat and serve.

Cook's Note:
1. Add a dash of light soy sauce if you like more colour.
2. If you like your cabbage softer, cover longer at step 2.
3. Do not add the Tang Hoon too soon or cook too long, it will break up.

stir fried cabbage with dried shrimps and tang hoon accompanied by omelette with mint leaves

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