
Coconut Chicken Soup


Since the coconut seller retires 2 years ago, I am unable to locate a coconut seller within the vicinity.
Much as I craved for this nourishing and fragance soup, I am too lazy to drive all the way to KK market (only market I know will have) to get the old coconut.

The craving was too much to bear and prompted me to ask around and yes there is one market which is just 10minute drive away from me. (Mathew 7:7 came to mind)

Cantonese "slow-fire" soup generally includes traditional Chinese herbs.
Several herbs are known as tonic herbs and they’re used to increase vitality, strengthen, treat the spirit and improve longevity.

The health benefits of this delicious soup includes detoxification, nourishing, promotes healthy complexion and with significant effect for those suffering from blood and Qi vacuity.

I was under the weather lately and this soup serves as a much needed supplement for the body.
(These chinese herbs supplement are also used to treat general weakness, such as after prolonged stress and can be used in cases of deficiency and weakness)

Oh yes, I am sometime known as "Physician Ng"

 You will need:

1 old coconut
1 whole chicken (preferrably kampong chicken)
1 handful of wolfberry
1 handful of dried lotus seed
1 handful of dried lily bubs
7-8 red dates
2 slices of ginger (optional)
1.5 - 2 ltr water
1 teaspoon salt (optional)

1. Clean and cut the chicken into 4 big pieces, skin removed.

2. Clean and cut the coconut into big pieces.

3. Briefly soaked the chinese herbs, drained and set aside

4. Bring to boil water in a soup pot, add in the chicken and the rest of the ingredients. Boil 30 mins on high heat.

5. Simmer (low fire) for the next 2 hours, salt to taste.

Cooks' Note:
1. Only old coconut will do, not young ones
2. Vacuity of Qi will be characterized especially by pale complexion, lassitude of spirit, lack of strength, spontaneous sweating, laziness to speak, non-digestion of food, shortness of breath (especially on exertion), and a pale and enlarged tongue.

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