Hot weather calls for cold food!! Ice cream, cold dessert not a good idea for now as yours sincerely is in "diet" mode. I should have known, the past weeks of heavy cooking and merry feasting - cause of my waistline expanding. I remembered the pickled "Myoga" (Japanese ginger buds) my Japanese friend lugged all the way from Japan sitting patiently in the fridge; I think the blush pink myoga on...
I know what you are thinking, Yes! The watermelon skin can be eaten. The Chinese medicine claims that it can help cool the body, so it is excellent for this hot weather. I posted this photo months ago in my FB and score many "likes" and queries. They were all drawn to the charming red and white flesh and the novel of cooking and eating watermelon skin. To...
This is the dish that led to my "culinary stardom" moment. I become an overnight sensation (or is it just my wishful thinking) in my church where I was roped in to help to cook for an event for 150 people. Suddenly, everyone knows me (ok not all, but many) As a matter of fact, this food blog was spurred by the growing demand for this recipe...
I made some of these stuffed chicken wings recently and watched these wings flew off in a flash! I don't blame my guests, the aroma of the wings sizzling in the oven gets everyone excited, and soon everyone lingers in the kitchen. I literally have to fight with everyone to take this photo. It didn't make it to the dinner table, it was all gone before...
The "Empress Dowager" birthday is coming up. No chance of forgetting the event, we have gotten reminders a month ahead, followed by weekly and then daily prompting. Her must have includes the braised sea cucumber with abalone and mushroom and a whole array of seafood dishes. I usually cook these dishes at home so that the family could eat till our heart's content without having to rob...
A couple of days ago, I causally mentioned about my expanding waistline, my diplomatic girlfriends were silent- a sign of consent, not good, not good at all! In my defence, I did make an effort to keep to my routine walks. Sighing, this is a case where the "input" is greater than the "output”. So immediately, I switched to "diet’ mode which means simple and light meals. Yet, I bid defiance...
Years ago, we may be ignorant about the Osmanthus flower, but since the local famous Chinese restaurant chain offers this dessert on their menus, it has become popular The Osmanthus flowers are used throughout East Asia for their scent and flavour, which is likened to apricot and peach and easily obtained from Chinese medical halls in Singapore. Traditional Chinese medicine claims that Osmanthus improves...
It all started with the fresh blue pea flowers I come across at the month end farmer's market in Sungei Kadut. It needs no peddling at all from the seller as I was eager to grab the beautiful blue flowers (not easy to obtain these flowers here!) I have no plans what to do with it yet, but as with any cook, we knew...
I am not a "sweet" person, I can skip desert; by the time I am done with the main dishes, I am usually too full to eat any dessert. Not so with Thai desserts, I will always have room for Thai desserts; it is simply irresistible!!! A Thai meal will not be completed without the classic desserts: Mango with sticky rice, Red rubies and Tapioca...
I love lady's finger!(also known as okra) and my favourite way to eat it is to just sprinkle it with salt and toss it on the BBQ and yes, eat it stem and all. These lovely baby lady's fingers caught my eyes in the market the other day, and I have to buy it, not only it was fresh and young, it was on offer!...
I first served this salad decades ago when we are not yet a cheese loving nation. Cheese to this part of the world then was what durian to the westerns. My guests weren't as adventurous and find the combination "strange". The salad was left untouched, and I learnt a new phrase: "food cultural shock." I served it recently at cell meets dinner, the ladies love...