
Bulgogi pork

Most of my meals are home-cooked, and I eat out only when it is convenient. Home-cooked meals are not complicated, it just requires that extra effort and time management. A quick stir fry vegetables, steam fish, tofu, a one-pot dish, soups and eggs in any way are my usual weekday home-cooked meals. I make an extra batch of stewed dish over the weekends...

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Grilled pork chop with bean gravy

It has been awhile since we last had a pork chop. I have always preferred the more marble part of the meat, the pork chop is too lean for me. Since it must be cooked through, it can be quite tough. Tenderizing the pork with marinade is an excellent way to both flavouring the meat and making it more tender. The marinade will...

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Mint Omelette and cucumber salad

Yours sincerely is on a diet. Period. The signs were all there. The pants got tighter, and I couldn't zip up my dress. I blame it on the makan trips, birthday celebration treats and no exercise. So here I am, home alone pondering what to eat on this hot scorching hot weather that is easy on the waist. I found some mint leaf...

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Nasi Lemak express

When McDonald announced they are launching Nasi Lemak Burger in conjunction with the Singapore Food Festival 2017, I have no doubt Singaporean will be thrilled that the familiar local favourite will be given a modern twist. Nasi Lemak is considered one of the most famous dishes for Malay-style breakfast. Since it can be served in many ways, it is often eaten throughout the...

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